Saturday, December 7, 2019

Concept of Health and Wellness-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Biopysochosocial Factors that affect on Health and Wellbeing. Answer: Health and wellness refers to the state of being in optimal mental and health. This essay explains the concept of health and wellness, determine the biopysochosocial factors that affect on health and wellbeing, describe the illustrations of biopsychosocial, psycosocial factors which will contributing to the illness. The study also reflects on the behavioral, general, and cognitive response of an individual relating to health and wellness problems. The main aim of this essay is to highlight the biopsychosocial factors that will impact on the health and wellbeing of an individual. According to Edlin Golanty (2012), the concept of health may be defined as a condition of the whole physical, mental, social thriving and not just the nonappearance of illness or disease. In short words, it may be defined by most of the people as a being free of manifestations of disease and pain as much as possible, having the capacity to be dynamic and able to do what they need or health allude to the state of being in ideal mental and physical prosperity. On the other side, the concept of wellness is described as an integrated strategy for working which is arranged towards maximizing the capability of which the individual is able. Wellness requires that the individual keep up a continuous balance and meaningful guidance inside the environment where he or she is performing. According to Sterling et al. (2010), the disease refer to a specific abnormal state that impacts part or all of an organism not harm by external force and that comprises of a disorder of a structure. In other w ords, we can say that disease requires special patient education for rehabilitation and long-term of care and support to the patient. The concept of illness refers to a profoundly individual state in which individuals feels unhealthy, may or may not identified with the disease. According to Sarafino Smith (2014), the biopsychosocial model is a wide view that credits disease result to the many-sided, variable connection of organic elements such as genetic, biochemical, and so on. Despite the fact that advances have been made in determining connections between biological factors, psychological, and social procedure, the maximum capacity of the biopsychosocial model for health psychology stays untapped in varies measurements. We can classified the identification of the four areas that are measured in biopsychosocial factors and have an impact on health and wellness are biological, psychological, social, and macro cultural variables. The biological components of health incorporate factors such as hereditary qualities or family history, age, sex, and existing medical conditions (Falvo, 2013). All these biological segments clearly affect the health and wellness of the individual. There are psychological factors that have an effect on the medical prosperity. Deal ing with the mental health can positively affect on the medical health of the individual. In my opinion, the other component of a biopsychosocial factor is behavioral which incorporate behaviors individuals involves in that add to health such as smoking, fatty diet, sedentary lifestyle, adherence to pharmaceuticals and going to see medicinal services experts daily. As individual ordinary practices directly affect the health of person and wellness. Many major interminable diseases come from or are exacerbated by decisions that we create each day. The last environmental element also plays a significant part in the overall health. This factor can have a defensive impact in that it is related to good mental and medical health, assists with speedier recovery from the illness, and enables us to stay healthier in the face of stress (Pollack et al., 2010). The biopsychosocial health proof that an effectively strong the immune system and gives intervention and prevention methods for a chroni c ailment to us. In my opinion, an individual's well-being cannot only be seen from a natural perspective that is mental, social, and contributing environmental factors also impacts an individual's life. The premise that these subsystems are layered within each other and inseparably connected has outcomes in a creative way to oversee at health and wellbeing. Health is generally equated to the absence of diseases. The example of psychological factors is depression or anxiety problems, stress and hostility. Heart disease and stress is also an example of psychological factors that contribute to high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood clots in the health of us. The example of behavioral factors includes the daily activities of our behaviors that affect the health such as smoking, inactive lifestyle. The example of biological factors comprises the genetic problems or the medical conditions existed in our families. The last environmental factor includes work stress, causation, and consequences (Weav er III et al., 2010). Thus, we can say that stress is major factors which become affect the mental and medical health of us. Psychosocial factors, for example, stress, struggle, depression, urgency, and employment control look associated with physical wellbeing (Matthews et al., 2010). Psychosocial factors include stress, depression, threatening vibe, and employment control appear connected with our physical health specifically for heart disease patients. These psychosocial factors are the important reasons of health inequalities. Such elements involve various mental conditions, psychological traits, or aspects of the social condition with a negative implication. The psychosocial difficulty may cause physical disease. It could encourage the unhealthy behavior of an individual such as smoking or it could lead specifically to neuroendocrine perturbations that impact disease risk. According to Hill Fritz (2011), the relations of an unexpected reason to health results based on the former connections to a fundamental disease. Thus, we can say that psychosocial affliction could cause expanded diseases risk in c ircumstances where psychosocial adversity was positively connected with smoking. Such organizations are not at all programmed. In this circumstance, we could strongly be contended that smoking was identified by adverse psychosocial profiles among smokers, or to be sure by social limitations. And, essentially, in places and on at times when smoking was among the socially advantaged the outcomes of smoking showed a comparable social distribution. Thus, we can reveal that this case of psychosocial factors is considered as the fundamental supporters of individual ailment. The condition of health and wellness needs more than restorative treatment and measures for the medical problems (Cooper Quick, 2017). In our opinion, the general response to health and wellness issues is to provide the various alternatives in order to maintain our life healthy by providing physical exercises and nutrition which indicates that physical activity can help prevent or defer certain diseases, including some cancers, heart illness, diabetes, and also relieve depression and enhance temperament. It is imperative for us effective maturing to eat food rich in supplements and ignore the empty calories in candy and sweets. The other health and wellness issue is overweight and obesity. Being overweight or obese builds the chances of dying from hypertension, sort two diabetes, coronary illness, stroke, gallbladder ailment, respiratory issues, and colon cancers. The third health issues are substance abuse which normally implies medications and liquor. These are two ranges are ofte n associate with seniors, youngsters may self-cure using legitimate and illegal medications and alcohol, which can prompt us to cause serious health results. In addition, seniors may intentionally or accidentally blend solutions and use liquor. There are several behaviors that apply a strong impact on our health are taken as behavioral response such as tobacco, alcohol utilization, physical action and eating regimen, sexual practices, and ailment screening (Renalds et al., 2010). There is wide assertion in the general wellbeing and therapeutic gatherings that cigarette smoking is the best external supporter of death in the United States. Passing inferable from tobacco using have been found to exceed deaths from AIDS, traffic accidents, suicide, crime, fire, and using illegal drugs combined. Since there is long deferral between the start of safeguarding smoking and the full change of its threatening wellbeing comes about, current tobacco inferable mortality and morbidity are outcomes of smoking that began a long time back. On the opposite side, we consider that stress has given a major association in elucidating the behavioral elements that effect physical wellbeing. According to Bockting etbal., (2013), stress the two cause s and regulates a behavioral decent variety which can expand protection from malady or cause hurt and in this manner propel disease. For example, push related hormones, for example, cortisol and epinephrine have defensive and versatile capacities and also harm impacts. The cognitive psychology examines the mental procedure of an individual. The cognitive response expanding the recurrence of concerns regarding memory and cognitive maturing in daily care. The physician has examined that practices and attitudes in regards to advising patients about cognitive maturing and reducing the risks for cognitive impairment or dementia. Medicinal services professionals overlook tending to prevention and risk diminishment concerning cognitive impairment and dementia in clinical practice as a challenge (Exner-Cortens et al., 2013). As is the situation with tending protection in daily care for different conditions, the major obstacle incorporates an absence of repayment and finding sufficient time to address both behavioral guiding and patients health issues. We also suggest one major approach to enhance health care suppliers preparedness for maturing a populations cognitive health issues is to give formal education and training (Weaver III et al., 2010). The new plans must be created and executed where the main purpose is to enhance supplier's awareness, knowledge, and abilities for addressing the public's concerns regarding cognitive approach. In my opinion, it has been concluded that biopsychosocial factors permit the physicians to describe the diagnostic conditions by assessing all of the relevant contributing biological, psychological, and social factors. On the basis of analyzing the biopsychosocial factors, we can conclude that health and wellness are integrated states of being as it integration of several various elements such as mental, social, physical, and emotional that enhance our capacity to live and perform effectively and to create a important contribution to society. On the other hand, we can also conclude that biopsychosocial factors are more perspective in order to assessing the causes of mental illness as it create interactions between individuals genetic, mental health and psychology, and social-cultural environment that will add to their experiences of health and illness. References Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population.American journal of public health,103(5), 943-951. Cooper, C. L., Quick, J. C. (Eds.). (2017).The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice. John Wiley Sons. Edlin, G., Golanty, E. (2012).Health and wellness. Jones Bartlett Publishers. Exner-Cortens, D., Eckenrode, J., Rothman, E. (2013). Longitudinal associations between teen dating violence victimization and adverse health outcomes.Pediatrics,131(1), 71-78. Falvo, D. 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